This product is currently out of stock. You might want to set a notification to receive a short one-time email when the product returns to stock next time. The Breadboard Power Adapter Kit of Arduino Praxis allows you to power your breadboard projects in an easy and convenient way via professional regulated power supplies or simple wall wart adapters with 5.5x2.1mm barrel jack output (which is standard in the majority of wall wart adapters).
- Powers your breadboard projects via regulated power supply or wall wart adapter
- Status LED
- Spacer foot for better mechanical stability
- Compatible with all standard breadboards with 5.3-5.5cm width (see recommended products below)
Note: The Breadboard Power Adapter comes as kit and needs to be soldered first. You should have a solder iron, some solder and a few other tools needed like a diagonal or flush cutter.
Kit includes:
- 2 headers 2x3pin
- 1 LED 5mm, green
- 1 resistor 10 kOhm
- 2 capacitors 0.1uF
- each 1 banana connector red/black
- 1 2.1mm barrel jack connector
- 1 screw M3x4
- 1 space 11mm w/ M3-thread