The Bus Pirate v4 is a universal bus interface that talks to electronics from a computer serial terminal. Get to know a chip without writing code. Eliminates a ton of early prototyping effort with new or unknown chips. Seeed Studio is the official manufacturer and supporter of the Bus Pirate project. Version 4 is the next generation Bus Pirate hardware, but it's not as stable yet as Bus Pirate v3.
Supported Protocols:
- 1-Wire
- I2C
- asynchronous serial (UART)
- PC keyboard
- HD44780 LCDs
- Generic 2- and 3-wire libraries for custom protocols
- USB interface, USB powered
- 5Volt tolerant pins
- 0-6Volt measurement probe
- 1Hz-40MHz frequency measurement
- 1kHz-4MHz pulse-width modulator, frequency generator
- On-board multi-voltage pull-up resistors
- On-board 3.3V and 5V power supplies with software reset
- Macros for common operations
- Bus traffic sniffers (SPI, I2C)
- Transparent USB->serial bridge mode
- 10Hz-1MHz low-speed logic analyzer
- Custom support in AVRDUDE, Flashrom, OpenOCD
- AVR STK500 v2 programmer clone
- Scriptable from Perl, Python, etc.
- A bootloader for easy USB firmware updates
- Open source (CC 0/public domain)
New in Bus Pirate v4:
- 256K program space, 4 times more flash than v3
- Integrated, on-board USB (faster)
- Data storage EEPROM to store settings
- Software pull-up voltage selection: 3.3V, 5Vt, or external supply
- 2 extra I/O pins
- Multipurpose button