This product is currently out of stock. You might want to set a notification to receive a short one-time email when the product returns to stock next time. The Didel EduC is a complete Arduino compatible board for learning the C language without soldering or connecting any components. For this the EduC comes with tons of integrated inputs and outputs (see list below).
The EduC is shipped with 15 impressive demos preinstalled that serve to show the possibilities of the platform.
The EduC includes a 110mAh LiPo and charging circuit, the EduC can either be used standalone/autonomous or connected via USB to your computer to program it and charge the LiPo.
Inputs/Outputs integrated:
- Speaker
- OLED 128x64 0.96" I2C display
- USB Interface (CH340)
- LEDs (2)
- 8-bit binary display
- 2 Slidepots
- 7-segment display
- Temperature sensor
- Easy programming via Arduino IDE
- 15 amazing demos included
- Libraries for all functions
- Battery-powered for hours of autonomous use