AutoISP from microtherion is a development system to facilitate programming microcontrollers through the
SPI protocol. It consists of a universal master board (the AutoISP you are looking at right now) containing the logic, plugged
into one of a family of slave boards containing the wiring for a particular microcontroller.
While developing with AutoISP, the microcontroller is plugged into the socket on the slave board, while the slave board in turn is plugged into the circuit. The ICSP header on the master board is connected to a programmer. While the RESET pin on the ICSP header is held high (or unconnected), AutoISP works as if the microcontroller were plugged directly into the circuit. As soon as the RESET pin is pulled low, though, the RESET, MOSI, MISO, and SCK pins on the microcontroller are no longer connected to the circuit, but to the corresponding pins on the ICSP header. This allows reprogramming the microcontroller without physically removing it from the circuit or having to reconnect it afterwards.
This means you are able to keep sensors and actuators connected to the ICSP pins of your microcontroller while still being able to program it from the programmer of your choice. If you tend to run low on I/O pins, which comes especially quickly true when dealing with the smaller ATtiny's this is a great solution for you. No need to disconnect and reconnect all lines before reprogramming the chip. Once you have finished your development, you can plug your chip back directly into the circuits socket und use the AutoISP and Slave Board for your next great awesome project.
Currently we have slave boards for ATtiny X5, ATtinyX4 and ATmegaX8 (i.e. ATtiny85, ATtiny84, ATmega168, ATmega328 and many more). See related products below for specific slave boards.
Note: AutoISP comes assembled and ready to use, but it doesn't include an ISP programmer! Please see below for recommended ISP programmers.