Replacement product: 47194
The CMPS10 is Devantechs 2nd generation tilt compensated compass, now better than ever with higher accuracy and lower price.
100% compatible with CMPS09 and works with all CMPS09 Examples.
- Current: 25mA Typ.
- Voltage: 3.6-5V
- Resolution: 0.1 Degree
- Accuracy: Horizontal, typically 1%
- Accuracy: Tilted to +/- 60 degrees, typically 1.5%
- Output 1:- I2C Interface, SMBUS compatible, 0-255 and 0-3599 , 100kHz
- Output 2: Serial port, 9600 baud, no parity, 2 stop bits and 3.3-5V signal levels
- Output 3: Timing Pulse 1mS to 37mS in 0.1mS increments
- Small Size: 24mm x 18mm