The RepRapPro Huxley 3D printer is a Replicating Rapid-prototyping machine, or RepRap for short. It is an open-source derivative of the equally open-source RepRap Project which was started at Bath University, UK, in 2004. The machine uses a process known a Fused Filament Fabrication, which it employs to build 3-dimensional objects in a range of plastics and in a variety of colours. This process enables the user to create almost any shape which can be modelled on a computer, including some which could not be produced by traditional manufacturing techniques at all. Many examples of the objects people have made with Huxley and similar machines can be found on thingiverse .
The RepRap Huxley is one of the smallest 3D printers available in terms of its weight and footprint, but not in terms of its build volume, which is comparatively large. Its primary design goals were to offer a printer which is small enough to be portable, which is fast to replicate, and which is fast to assemble and to commission. Since its inception at the end of 2010, the RepRap Huxley has undergone brisk development and heavy testing. This resulted in a successful crowd-funding campaign on Indiegogo in June of 2011, with over 300 Huxley 3D printer kits sold.
There is an active development plan for the RepRap Huxley 3D printer, so users will also have access to software updates and designs for upgraded parts that they can print themselves.
RepRapPro Huxley Specifications:
Build volume: 140x140x110mm
Overall size: 260x280x280mm
Printing materials: ABS, PLA, 1.75mm diameter thermoplastic.
Build surface: PCB-heated bed to reduce complexity of assembly and to ensure parts do not warp.
Computer interface: USB
Standard nozzle size: 0.5mm
Accuracy: 0.1mm
Resolution: 0.0125mm
Building speed: 1,800 mm/min
Moving speed: 12,000 mm/min
Deposition rate: 33 cm3 / hr
Motion: Linear ball bearings on X and Y axes, Igus low friction bushings on Z axis.
Fully pre-soldered electronics with built-in microSD card slot for standalone printing.
Enhancements to the printed parts to improve the ease of assembly of the X and Y axes
Note: The resolution is how fine a step the motors can make. The accuracy is how accurately the machine can position things. So the resolution is finer than the accuracy because the accuracy is influenced by other factors, for example how well the timing belt is manufactured.
What’s in the Full Kit?
The RepRapPro Huxley Full Kit includes all components required to get you printing, including 3d-printed plastic parts.
Software to run the machine is also provided with both, including the firmware for the electronics.
Contents of the RepRapPro Huxley Full Kit:
All hardware (threaded and smooth rods, screws, nuts, washers, belts, bearings etc)
Pre-soldered and programmed electronics
MicroSD card + adapter
Heated PCB build surface
Nozzle assembly and extruder drive mechanism
100m of 1.75mm diameter PLA filament (approx 300g) for printing with
Power supply
All the 3D-printed Huxley parts
The above contents are subject to improvement without notice. Full Kits will always be provided with all components required to get you printing.