This product is currently out of stock. You might want to set a notification to receive a short one-time email when the product returns to stock next time. For many projects the lower cost ATiny microcontrollers from Atmel are completely sufficient und there is no need to use a much more expensive full blown Arduino board.
This Kit includes everything you need to build a working ATtiny microcontroller board. For programming you can use a multitude of programmers including any Arduino Board running the ArduinoISP sketch). See below for a recommended ISP programmer.
The large prototyping area allows you to build your own circuits on directly on the board. All pins of the ATtiny as well as some additional GND and VCC pins are broken out for easy access.
The ATtiny84 has 8K flash memory for programs, 512B RAM, 12 I/O lines and 8-channel 10-bit ADC.
Kit Includes: