This Bluetooth shield is a serial port Bluetooth module (Slave) breakout board, and it compatible with Arduino, you can directly plug in with Arduino and use the UART port for Bluetooth communication.
Features in v2.1
- Arduino footprint and stackable with other Shields.
- Switchable between 5V and 3.3V
- 3. The BT shield v1.1 just can communicate with Arduino board, and it’s inconvenient to change its setting by AT command through USB.
Now the new board has a switcher, you can change the module connection, so when you put the switcher to the “To Board” side, it can control by Arduino or IFLAT32, but to “To FT232” side, it connect to the FT232D IC, you can use the Arduino IDE or other serial monitor software to send it the AT command.
Please see below for detailed information about AT commands.
- In the free area, we provide you a prototype area, and you can build a small circuit there for your Bluetooth aware application.
AT command set:
1. Communications Test:
Sent : AT
receive : OK
2. Change baud rate:
Sent : AT+BAUD1
receive : OK1200
Sent : AT+BAUD2
receive : OK2400
Baud rate setting can be saved even when power is down.
3. Change Bluetooth device name:
Sent : AT+NAMEdevicename
receive : OKname
(devicename is the name you want the device to be , and it will be searched with this name)
Name setting can be saved even when power is down.
4. Change Pincode:
Sent : AT+PINxxxx
receive : OKsetpin
(xxxx is the pin code you set)
Pin code can be save even power down.